High school tutoring program – At risk students from Diamond Bar High tutored elementary school students in reading and math.
Technology acquisition – Walnut High purchased computers, video cameras and other equipment for a video production class.
Carnegie Hall performances – South Pointe and Chaparral Middle Schools received funding to underwrite expenses for their orchestras to perform at Carnegie Hall.
Educational and enrichment field trips – At-risk students, representing various elementary schools, have visited museums and art venues.
Sportsmanship for athletes – High school athletic directors and coaches received training to teach ethics and sportsmanship to high school athletes.
Improved stage productions – The Diamond Bar High School drama department purchases new stage lighting, props and other equipment for a state-of-the-art production experience.
Graduating seniors from the two comprehensive high schools and the continuation high school benefit from annual up to $1,000 scholarships. Scholarship categories include:
• Ron Hockwalt Educational
• Ronald “Ron” Everett Servant Leader
• Teen Citizen
• Industrial Technology
• Visual and Performing Arts
In addition, three student scholarships of $1,000 each to either Ron Hockwalt Academy, DBHS Pathways, WHS Academic Design or similar specialized academic programs for graduating senior students

WVEF offers Teddy Bear Tea mini-grants to WVUSD schools for a variety of opportunities. The mini-grants may be offered in the following areas:
Athletics/Physical Education * Fine Arts * Classroom Project * Library/Resource Centers * Student Enrichment * Technology * Disadvantaged Youth * Other (to be stated)
To be selected for a mini-grant, a WVUSD school principal and/or management officer must sign and submit the grant application on behalf of the grant recipient. WVEF will evaluate each application on its own merit and, in accordance with the grant criteria, will determine the acceptability of the grant application. WVEF will only accept grant application requests received in this format.
Walnut Valley is fortunate to employ exceptionally well trained and creative educators who demonstrate their gift for teaching by creating new ways to enrich the learning of students. Grants are awarded for innovative classroom and school-wide programs, ranging from mini-grants of $500 for classroom materials to program grants of up to $5,000. Grants are awarded for:
Technology * Disadvantaged Youth * Fine Arts * Libraries * Athletics * Enrichment