The Walnut Valley Educational Foundation is offering dynamic, engaging instruction to students entering first through fifth grade. Under the direction of Walnut Valley Unified principal, Dr. Mary Wendland, students will access live instruction from highly qualified, credentialed teachers using online platforms. Students will continue to flourish in reading, writing, and math while making connections with teachers and peers. We are thrilled to partner with the families across our district to extend the excellent learning experiences provided to students all summer long!
Instruction provided by highly qualified credentialed teachers
Class sizes for 15 students
Teachers will be providing in-person instruction at Maple Hill Elementary
For students entering 1st-5th Grade
June 7th-July 15th
Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
$600 per child for six weeks of learning! ($560 for each registered sibling)
Registration will end on May 21, 2021
Health and Safety Protocols
The learning environment will provide a safe place for students to learn. All mandates by the health department will be in place.
Classroom Set-Up
Desks will be spaced apart
Plexiglass shields will be placed at each desk
Students will not share pencils, crayons etc...
Bathrooms, classrooms, equipment will be sanitized several times throughout the day
All students and staff will be required to wear a mask
Before School
All students will complete a daily health screening
Students will check-in at the front gate to make sure everyone on campus has passed the health screening
During School
Playground areas will be divided into zones to ensure students are spread out and not overly crowded
Bathrooms and common areas will be sanitized frequently
Class sizes will be set at safe capacity (this may impact the number of students we take, registration will be first-come, first-serve)
After School
Students will be picked up promptly at 11:30 AM
Should an outbreak of COVID-19 occur, learning will continue in a Distance Learning format
Small-group tutorials will be available for an additional cost to take place via Zoom 1:00-2:00 p.m. CLICK HERE for more information